Saturday, September 10, 2016

ADOP - Prepare failed with - copyConfig" operation of J2EE domain failed. Check clone log and error files for more details.

Adop prepare faile with below error. Issue was "J2EECOMPONENT@EBS_domain_prodsrv1" to the archive has failed", adop was not able to archive for cloning the filesystem, hence it failed. 
Issue was identified as Temp directory specified T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS was not existing which was preventing archiving. Created the directory and the prepare went fine.

Fix :

$ ls -ld /prodsrv1/product/temp
ls: cannot access /prodsrv1/product/temp: No such file or directory
$ mkdir -p /prodsrv1/product/temp
$ ls -ld /prodsrv1/product/temp
drwxr-xr-x 2 approdsrv1 aaprodsrv1 2 Sep 10 08:50 /prodsrv1/product/temp

Issue :

Beginning application tier FSCloneStage - wlsConfig Sat Sep 10 05:55:29 2016

/prodsrv1/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/comn/util/jdk32/bin/java -Xmx600M -DCONTEXT_VALIDATED=false -Doracle.installer.oui_loc=/oui -classpath /prodsrv1/applmgr/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/lib/xmlparserv2.jar:/prodsrv1/applmgr/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/jdbc/lib/ojdbc6.jar:/prodsrv1/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/comn/java/classes:/prodsrv1/applmgr/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/oui/jlib/OraInstaller.jar:/prodsrv1/applmgr/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/oui/jlib/ewt3.jar:/prodsrv1/applmgr/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/oui/jlib/share.jar:/prodsrv1/applmgr/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/../Oracle_EBS-app1/oui/jlib/srvm.jar:/prodsrv1/applmgr/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/jlib/ojmisc.jar:/prodsrv1/applmgr/fs1/FMW_Home/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar:/prodsrv1/applmgr/fs1/FMW_Home/oracle_common/jlib/obfuscatepassword.jar -e /prodsrv1/inst/fs1/inst/apps/prodsrv1_ebsprodsrv1/appl/admin/prodsrv1_ebsprodsrv1.xml -targ /prodsrv1/inst/fs2/inst/apps/prodsrv1_ebsprodsrv1/appl/admin/prodsrv1_ebsprodsrv1.xml -stage /prodsrv1/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/comn/adopclone_ebsprodsrv1 -tmp /tmp -component wlsConfig -nopromptmsg
Log file located at /prodsrv1/inst/fs1/inst/apps/prodsrv1_ebsprodsrv1/admin/log/clone/FSCloneStageAppsTier_09100555.log

ERROR while running FSCloneStage...
Sat Sep 10 05:56:05 2016
*******FATAL ERROR*******
PROGRAM : (/prodsrv1/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/
TIME    : Sat Sep 10 05:56:05 2016
FUNCTION: main::migrateCloneComponentStage [ Level 1 ]
ERRORMSG: /prodsrv1/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/bin/ did not go through successfully.

    [UNEXPECTED]Error occurred running "perl /prodsrv1/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ -contextfile=/prodsrv1/inst/fs1/inst/apps/prodsrv1_ebsprodsrv1/appl/admin/prodsrv1_ebsprodsrv1.xml -patchcontextfile=/prodsrv1/inst/fs2/inst/apps/prodsrv1_ebsprodsrv1/appl/admin/prodsrv1_ebsprodsrv1.xml -promptmsg=hide -console=off -mode=migrate -sessionid=6 -timestamp=20160910_055301 -outdir=/prodsrv1/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/6/prepare_20160910_055301/prodsrv1_ebsprodsrv1"
    [UNEXPECTED]occurred during CONFIG_CLONE Patch File System from Run File System, running command: "perl /prodsrv1/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ -contextfile=/prodsrv1/inst/fs1/inst/apps/prodsrv1_ebsprodsrv1/appl/admin/prodsrv1_ebsprodsrv1.xml -patchcontextfile=/prodsrv1/inst/fs2/inst/apps/prodsrv1_ebsprodsrv1/appl/admin/prodsrv1_ebsprodsrv1.xml -promptmsg=hide -console=off -mode=migrate -sessionid=6 -timestamp=20160910_055301 -outdir=/prodsrv1/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/6/prepare_20160910_055301/prodsrv1_ebsprodsrv1".
    [UNEXPECTED]fs_clone has failed.
    [UNEXPECTED]Error calling runPendingConfigClone subroutine.
    Stopping services on patch file system.
    Stopping admin server.

You are running version 120.10.12020000.10

== FSCloneStageAppsTier_09100725.log log ======

START: Creating WLS config archive.
Script Executed in 1803 milliseconds, returning status 255
ERROR: Script failed, exit code 255
====== CLONE2016-09-10_07-26-22_344033396.log =============================

               T2P Summary Begin
Error Message  :1
  Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - ERROR - CLONE-20368  Domain pack failed.
  Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - CAUSE - CLONE-20368  Make sure that values specified are correct.
  Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - ACTION - CLONE-20368  Check the T2P logs for more details.
Error Message  :2
  Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - SEVERE - CLONE-20963  "copyConfig" operation of J2EE domain failed. Check clone log and error files for more details.
Error Message  :3
  Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - ERROR - CLONE-20235   Adding "J2EECOMPONENT@EBS_domain_prodsrv1" to the archive has failed.
  Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - CAUSE - CLONE-20235   An internal operation failed.
  Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - ACTION - CLONE-20235   Check the clone log and error file for more details.
Error Message  :4
  Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - ERROR - CLONE-20236   Archive creation has failed.
  Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - CAUSE - CLONE-20236   An internal operation failed.
  Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - ACTION - CLONE-20236   Check the clone log and error file for more details.

               T2P Summary End

=== Clone error  log CLONE2016-09-10_07-26-22_344033396.error ===

SEVERE : Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - ERROR - CLONE-20368  Domain pack failed.
SEVERE : Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - CAUSE - CLONE-20368  Make sure that values specified are correct.
SEVERE : Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - ACTION - CLONE-20368  Check the T2P logs for more details.
java.lang.Exception: Domain pack failed.
SEVERE : Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - SEVERE - CLONE-20963  "copyConfig" operation of J2EE domain failed. Check clone log and error files for more details.
SEVERE : Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - ERROR - CLONE-20235   Adding "J2EECOMPONENT@EBS_domain_prodsrv1" to the archive has failed.
SEVERE : Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - CAUSE - CLONE-20235   An internal operation failed.
SEVERE : Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - ACTION - CLONE-20235   Check the clone log and error file for more details.
SEVERE : Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - ERROR - CLONE-20236   Archive creation has failed.
SEVERE : Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - CAUSE - CLONE-20236   An internal operation failed.
SEVERE : Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - ACTION - CLONE-20236   Check the clone log and error file for more details.
SEVERE : Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - ERROR - CLONE-20218   Cloning is not successful.
SEVERE : Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - CAUSE - CLONE-20218   An internal operation failed.
SEVERE : Sep 10, 2016 07:26:23 - ACTION - CLONE-20218   Provide the clone log and error file for investigation.