Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Using commands with ssh to execute on remote server

Using commands with ssh to execute on remote server.

If you want to execute a command on a remote server we need not login to server but we can execute the command directly from the command prompt only.
Eg. If we want to check corntab entries of few servers we canuse contab –l from the command prompt only.

ssh servername crontab –l

If we want to execute more than one command from command prompt we can do as below with “;” as command .

ssh servername “hostname ; crontab –l | grep /u01/app/oracle “

Monday, February 9, 2009

Script to connect all the database on a server and run a SQL Script

Script to connect all the database on a server and run a SQL Script
for SID in `ps -ef grep pmon grep -v grep awk -F_ '{print $3}' sort `
ORACLE_HOME=`grep $SID /var/opt/oracle/oratab awk -F: '{print $2}'`
sqlplus "/as sysdba" << EOF
select name from v\$database;
Please run this script only for any select operations, any updates or modifications in the SQL script It is suggested do them manually.
Note :- The above script check for oratab file in /var/opt/oracle/ path, if you want to run the script in LINUX or any other UNIX OS please change the oratab location to /etc/oratab
Include your script in place of “select name from v$databae” ( between the two EOFs)